
Logo of the EMA

This web page provides news about current and future activities of EMA members, and about other current and future mycological activities, and new resources of interest to members of the EMA. If you have news you would like posted on this web page, please send it to the EMA Secretary. Current and future activities of the EMA itself can be viewed on a separate page. It is also possible to view archived earlier news items.

EMA Events

16-21 September 2019. XVIII Congress of European Mycologists. The XVIII Congress of European Mycologists will be held in Poland. Further information about the Congress will be posted on this website as it becomes available. [activity posted 18 December 2015]

Other Events

18-20 October 2016. First International Conference on Fungal Conservation in the Middle East and North Africa. This meeting will be held at the Suez Canal University, Ismailia, Egypt. Visit the conference website. [new item posted 18 December 2015]

24-27 September 2017. 9th International Medicinal Mushroom Congress. This meeting, supported by the EMA will be held in Palermo, Italy. Further information about the Congress will be posted on this website as it becomes available. [new item posted 18 December 2015]

New Resources

Czech Mycology journal new on-line archive. Earlier issues of this journal are now openly available as downloadable PDF files from [new item posted 18 April 2016]

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